
Beautiful and Diverse Charts

Codatum offers a wide variety of chart types to accommodate diverse data. Additionally, each chart comes with numerous settings, allowing you to tailor the visuals of your data.

Chart Types

  • Big Number

    • Set options like prefix, suffix, value formatter, and conditional styles

  • XY Chart

    • Choose from line, bar, stacked bar, area, and stacked area charts

    • Composite charts are also available

  • Radial Chart

    • Choose from pie, donut, and radar charts

  • XYZ Chart

    • Choose from scatter, bubble, and heatmap charts

  • Hierarchy Chart

    • Choose from tree, treemap, and sunburst charts

  • Graph Chart

    • Choose from graph and sankey charts

  • Funnel Chart

    • Choose from vertical and horizontal funnel charts

  • Table Chart

    • Select and display desired fields, apply filters, and show data in an aggregated form

  • Pivot Table

    • Aggregate data by row/column and display it as a pivot table

Common Options in Chart

Charts come with common options:

  • Disable in-memory processing (default: off)

    • When the execution result is within 1000 rows, the in-memory processing processes data without issuing a new query

  • Enable query auto-dispatch (default: off)

    • Automatically execute data processing queries when the data-source or chart-settings are changed

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